Our expanding Scout Group is an active part of the local community, engaging youngsters from the ages of 6 –14 on a weekly basis. They involve themselves in a wide variety of activities ranging from crafts to traditional outdoor and camping skills. This leads to older Scouts being challenged to participate in local events such as the Cheshire Hike. In addition to this they can be selected to represent Scouting and Elton at the World Scout Jamboree, which this year is being held in Japan.
We hope that you will assist the youngsters of Elton in their rewarding Scouting activities and create a sustainable, positive, community partnership.
We are pleased to offer Quality bedding plants for sale this year. Order forms have already been distributed around the village and will be collected members of the Scout group between the following dates: 4th and 18th April 2015.
Please provide payment with your order, preferably by cheque and made payable to: 1st Ince and Elton Scout Group
Plants will be delivered to your address on Saturday 16th May
If you have any queries about your order please contact:
Tel: 01928 725444 Dave or Sarah on behalf of the Scout group.
Thank you in advance for your kind support.