With spring just around the corner many people will be thinking about getting out in the garden once again – with that in mind, we’re pleased to announce our 2020 Plant Sale.

This is our sixth year selling bedding plants, and alongside our annual Bonfire and Firework display – it acts as one of our main fundraising activities of the year.

The money raised helps to maintain our building, replace and repair kit. It’s organised and run entirely by volunteers, so if you think you can help as part of our team – please get in touch!

How Can I Order Plants?

There are currently three ways that you can place an order with us:

More details about each method can be found below.

Paper Order Form

Order forms are on their way out to customers who have ordered from us previously. These order forms will be collected by members of the Scout Group between 16th March and 3rd April 2020.

Haven’t received an order from? Don’t worry, you can still order plants using one of the other methods below.

Order Form via Email

Just like we’ve offered in previous years – you can download the order form available from our website. Simply download, print out/fill in and return to us via email by the deadline to place your order.

Our Online Shop

Following a successful trial over the last two years, we’re officially launching our online ordering system via our ‘Fundraising Website‘.

Simply browse through the products, add your chosen ones to the basket and checkout – it’s as easy as that.

The added bonus of ordering through our ‘Fundraising Website‘ is that you can now pay via Direct Debit, Debit Card or Credit Card

When Will The Plants Be Available?

Plants will be delivered to your door on Saturday 9th May 2020.


The deadline for placing orders is Friday 3rd April 2020. Any orders placed after this date will not be fulfilled.

ALL orders regardless of whether they’re via our paper based order forms, email orders or via our online shop are Payment on Order.

Payments for offline orders (including those sent by email) can be made by cashBACS or a cheque made payable to 1st Ince and Elton Scout Group.

Payments for orders taken through our ‘Fundraising Website‘ can be made via Direct Debit, Debit Card, Credit Card or BACS.

Order Form

The 2020 Plant Sale Order Form is now available to download. Please use one of the following links: