Section Team Member (Squirrels)

Where: 1st Ince and Elton Scout Group, School Lane, Elton, Chester, Cheshire CH2 4LT Contact: Ashley Proctor Contact Email: Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

We’re looking to bring Scout’s newest section for 4 to 6 year olds – Squirrels, here to 1st Ince and Elton! But to do this, we’ll need your help to make this happen!

Outline of the Role: Supporting meetings, programme planning and the of running activities or games. Empowering young people to learn new skills, make new friends and learn to stand on their own two feet. No two weeks are the same, but the impact you make is always great.

Responsible to: Squirrels Team Leader and Group Lead Volunteer

Responsible for: N/A

Main Contacts: Young people and their Parents/Carers, Drey team members, Group Lead Volunteer, Beaver Team Members, Assistant District Lead Volunteer (Squirrels), Group Treasurer

Appointment Requirements: 

  • Complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of the Scout Association’s policies)
  • It’s expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity and require a disclosure check to be completed.
  • Within five months of starting the role, complete applicable Getting Started training modules, which cover Essential Information, Safety, Safeguarding and GDPR.
  • Continue the Scout training programme to achieve the Wood Badge within three years.
  • Renew safeguarding and safety training
  • Take part in ongoing learning opportunities.

Main Tasks

Planning and delivering a great Programme

  • Assist with the delivery of a fun, inclusive and age-appropriate programme
  • Help to deliver safe activities in accordance with Scouts POR (Policy, Organisation and Rules)
  • Encourage Squirrels to participate in activities and guide them towards receiving their badges 
  • Help Squirrels to get involved with programme planning in an age-appropriate way
  • Help to gather regular feedback from Squirrels about the programme
  • Support Squirrels, Young Leaders and other members of the team to plan and deliver a Community Impact project
  • Help the Squirrel Team Leader to co-ordinate Squirrels moving-on to the Beaver Colony 

Running the Squirrel Drey

  • Encourage parents, carers and other adults to help run the Squirrel Drey
  • Welcome and guide new members
  • Offer support to Young Leaders
  • Help the Squirrel Team Leader to allocate tasks and agree responsibilities with team members.
  • Keep records of Squirrels in accordance with UK Data protection act 2018.
  • Maintain good communications with parents/carers of Squirrels
  • Help to make sure the Squirrel Drey reflects the diversity of the local community

Be a part of the Scout Group

  • Attend and contribute to Scout Group team meetings.
  • With support from the Group Treasurer and Group Lead Volunteer, make sure all financial procedures are followed. 
  • On behalf of the Squirrel Drey team, attend meetings with other Squirrel Team Members organised by the Scout District.

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