Group Trustee Board Members

Where: 1st Ince and Elton Scout Group, School Lane, Elton, Chester, Cheshire CH2 4LT Contact: Ashley Proctor Contact Email: Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

The Group Trustee Board plays a vital role in the running of a Scout Group. Trustee Boards make decisions and carry out administrative tasks to ensure that the best quality Scouting can be delivered to young people in the Group.

Outline: Trustee Board members contribute to the running of the Group, by providing administrative support, strategic direction, compliance with relevant legislation and completion of the duties set out in The Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules.

Responsible to: 1st Ince and Elton Scout Council.

Appointment requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association’s policies).

General Trustee Board responsibilities:

  • To be a full and active participant in Trustee Board meetings and activities.
  • To uphold the responsibilities of a Trustee Board as outlined in The Scout Association’s Policy Organisation and Rules.
  • Willingness and eligibility to act as a Charity Trustee for the Group.
  • Contribute to the strategic aims and future development of the Group.
  • An understanding of their own role, and the role of others on the Trustee Board.
  • A commitment to understanding and forming opinions on the key discussion points and responsibilities of the Trustee Board.
  • Willingness to complete various tasks which support the work of the Trustee Board and the aims of the Group.

Skills for a Trustee Board Member:

  • Ability to work as part of a team
  • Strong communication skills
  • Able to think creatively and solve problems
  • Able to handle and resolve conflict effectively
  • Willing to speak one’s mind and listen to the views of others
  • Able to maintain independent and objective judgement
  • Willing to actively design and contribute to the strategic vision of the Group
  • Willingness to take decisions which will further the work of the Group

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